There are a large number of caverns, dungeons, and crypts to explore in Elden Ring Runes PS for sale, and each one features its own unique difficulties as well as potential advantages and benefits.



You will also receive the Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing from this quest. This item grants its wielder the ability to purchase an unlimited amount of Smithing Stone and Smithing Stone from the Roundtable Hold. Any person who casts a spell requiring Faith must have both of these items in their inventory at all times. The Canvas Talisman wielded by the Faithful is an essential piece of gear. You will come across Caelem Ruins and Smoldering Wall as you travel along this path. You will eventually reach the site of grace, which is located immediately to the east of the main road and to the south of Smoldering Wall.

From there, head to the north. Along the way, you will come across Land Squirts and the glowing footprints of an invisible Teardrop Scarab.


Path Two: Agheel Lake, Limgrave


  • If you take this route, you will enter the Sellia Crystal Tunnel much more quickly; however, because the game will start in the middle of the smaller dungeon, it can be very difficult to get your bearings when you use it

  • It is possible to locate it at the base of a tower that is in the process of collapsing, and the Stonesword Key is hidden somewhere within the tower itself

  • Rats that are hostile to humans have taken up residence in the room below, so you should exercise extreme caution

  • If you continue to follow the rocky path down, you will eventually come to a narrow tunnel that is lit by torchlight rather than the blue glow of the room you are currently in

Having the opportunity to navigate through the Sellia Crystal Tunnel

Ensure that you have the Rot Grease in your possession before climbing the ladder and heading back into the main cavernous room where there are miners and Lesser Kindred of Rot. The Rot Grease can be found in the corner of the room that also houses the Site of Grace. Because the peculiar spells cast by the Kindred of Rot have the ability to easily strike you around corners and from across the room, it is imperative that you keep an eye out for them as you make your way through this room (and the rest of the dungeon).

Proceed forward and into the shack that can be found on the ground floor directly in front of you. In the back of the shack, there is a wall that has a Smithing Stone that has grown out of it. A little further up and to the side of the path, you will find two more Smithing Stone growths. It is very likely that you will be successful in bringing him down to the level of comprehension that you currently possess. In the event that he does not take the bait, you will be able to make a running jump onto his platform from the path that leads up alongside it.

After these two Kindred of Rot have been vanquished, you will have a bit more leeway to investigate the surrounding area on your own accord. You will arrive at a platform made of wood that extends out over the cave once you have climbed all the way to the top of the stone path and reached the highest point possible. Once you have reached the peak, you will need to face east and perform a running jump in order to reach the next wooden platform. From that platform, you will need to make a running jump over the collapsed wooden gate in order to proceed to the other side of the obstacle. After you have defeated him, buy Elden Ring items (check out here) is absolutely necessary for you to grab the solitary Smithing Stone that is growing on the cave wall.

As soon as the immediate threat has been eliminated, you need to go inside the shack and loot the chest that is found inside. Stonedigger Sorcery builds can benefit from the use of the Rock Blaster spell because it is a useful sorcery. The bend in the cave wall just outside the shack contains two Smithing Stone growths. These can be found near the shack.

After you have made your way back up to the upper level, the next thing you should do is climb that ladder that you saw earlier. As soon as you reach the summit, you will be ambushed by two Glintstone Miners.

Before continuing on through the western passage, you should ensure that you have scavenged the Somber Smithing Stone from the cave wall that is adjacent to it.

Proceed to the next section when you are ready. After you have finished dealing with him, proceed to the enclave and take the Dragonwound Grease from the body that is located just outside. In the enclave is where you will find the Somber Smithing Stone.

You will find two more enemies belonging to the Kindred of Rot standing on the platform located on the opposite side of the path from you.

After descending the platform, head to the right and take the slender passageway that's there. Even so, due to the Fallingstar Beast's high degree of mobility, it is difficult to hit them consistently. Even when it is standing relatively still, the majority of its attacks involve wild swings of either its head or its tail, so it is difficult to consistently hit them.

The Fallingstar Beast is equipped with a variety of delaying attacks, the most common of which involve it first striking the ground with either its head or tail, and then, after a brief pause, hurling a barrage of rocks in your direction in an attempt to knock you off your feet. The Fallingstar Beast is equipped with a variety of delaying attacks, the most common of which involve it first striking the ground with either its head or tail, and then, after a brief pause,

Attacks That Rely On Charges

The Fallingstar Beast will assume an aggressive stance by lowering its head and spreading its pincers in front of it. When you continue to use it after that, it will charge you three to four times the initial amount.

Gravity Makes Its Moves

The Fallingstar Beast possesses two distinct attacks that utilize gravity, both of which it is able to use. If your timing is perfect, you should be able to roll away from the rocks as they explode from the ground below you. On the other hand, if you are able to recognize the attack in a timely manner, you should have enough time to move out of the attack's range before it can harm you.

The Fallingstar Beast will approach you at a slower pace during the second Gravity-based attack, Gravity magic will crackle at your feet, and smaller rocks will erupt from the ground below you.